Experience for Olympia.
Solutions for Our Families.

Keep Up with Teagan!

Teagan Levine
The Dedicated Leader Our Families Deserve
Teagan is an elected representative, community leader, and working mother ready to take her real-world experience to Olympia for the people of the 7th Legislative District.

For over three decades, I have called the 7th Legislative District my home. I have been a small business owner, a farmer, a rancher, and worked in the criminal justice system for Okanogan County. I have raised my two sons and daughter, along with many foster children, with the values and strength of the 7th Legislative District.
I serve on the Tonasket City Council and have done so for the last seven years. I have represented the Okanogan County Republican Party, leading with integrity and passion for the past six years. I currently serve as the administrative assistant to the Okanogan County Prosecutor, staying dedicated and working towards strengthening public safety in our community.
I have seen the strength of our district in the face of challenges, adversity, and government overreach. We see the logging industry weakened and mills scrapped. Wildfires plague our land, and our cattle ranches and orchards suffer. Families struggle to find new sources of income as businesses close, and inflation increases. Through it all, we persevere, standing strong as a community against the tide of adversity.

When I go to Olympia to represent you in our State Legislature, I will work tirelessly and with dedication to you and your families. Through my efforts I will continue to represent you and deliver real solutions that reinforce public safety in our communities, build stronger families through parental rights and a strong economy, and I will fight to preserve our beautiful northeast Washington from the overreach of Olympia.

I support a strong criminal justice system, better mental healthcare, access to recovery treatments, and victim support services.
Stronger Law Enforcement
I’ve spent the last five years working in the Okanogan County prosecutor’s office. I’ve learned that not only do we need to maintain funding for police, but we also need to be creative in our jails, develop more training opportunities for criminal justice careers, and increase funding to get well-trained officers out on the streets to protect and serve.
Equal Access to Justice
I’ve seen that massive social programs are largely ineffective. Programs need to minimize recidivism and provide a pathway to building a better life for both defendants and victims. Programs for defendants must support recovery and job training, and victims’ services need to be supported and strengthened.
I’ve seen that massive social programs are largely ineffective. Programs need to minimize recidivism and provide a pathway to building a better life for both defendants and victims. Programs for defendants must support recovery and job training, and victims’ services need to be supported and strengthened.
Foster Care
As a former foster parent and a parent of physically disabled children, I’m familiar with the challenges and needs of foster families and children who get lost in the system. A well-run foster care system can change lives. Foster children need to be in a strong, loving family in order to thrive. I’ll support parents, setting reasonable goals for potential family reunification so children remain safe, and parents aren’t overwhelmed.
Support Systems
Seniors struggle to receive services when they don’t use or understand online forms or emails. They might even struggle with recognizing scams and sorting junk mail. I’ll fight to improve our family support systems with reasonable, simple changes.
Personal Accountability
We have all made mistakes – it’s learning how to recover, how to build from your failure, and how to pick yourself up and get back on the horse that counts. Our youth and families are taught that if they fail, the government will give them a handout. It’s time we incentivize a hand up.
Educational Choice
I will work to help families find solutions for education system challenges, like closing neighborhood schools, larger class sizes, and education mandates and instituting school choice. Our publicly funded education system is in shambles, and I will fight to revitalize Washington K-12 education as one of the top systems in the country.
I support our rural customs and farming cultures while maintaining our Constitutional rights.
Hunting Culture
Our rural and tribal hunting culture is under attack by people who don’t understand the value of traditional hunting and fishing. The stewards of the land are the best conservationists, balancing and managing wildlife populations so that the ecosystem can thrive. Bureaucrats from the city who don’t understand the ecosystem should NOT be calling the shots.
Property Rights
The Growth Management Act imposes an enormous burden on the rights of individuals, but our rural customs and agriculture lands need to be preserved and protected. There is a balance between protecting property rights, development of new homes, farming, and agriculture.
Constitutional Rights
Our justice system and rule of law have a strong foundation based on the original words of our U.S. Constitution. I’ll work to ensure that laws are not re-interpreted based on feelings about language. Our constitution was written to protect citizens from overreach and over-regulation.
I cannot achieve my goal alone. I am counting on you every step of the way. Your vote holds immense power, as does your financial support, the energy you bring, and your influence within your network. Understand that I am not embarking on this journey for myself – I am embarking on it with you, for you.
Every contribution to my campaign carries significant weight. They will enable me to connect with and inspire a broader audience of voters. By investing in my campaign, you are investing in the strong future we strive and fight for.
Together, we can make a true impact. Your voice matters, your actions matter, and your belief in me matters. As we stand united, we can move mountains, turn the tide, and transform our communities for the better.
I humbly ask you to invest in my campaign. Your support will fuel our efforts and amplify our message. Join me on this journey, and together, let’s leave a lasting mark on the 7th district.